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Regular price $410.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $410.00 AUD
Sale Sold out
Tax included.

Price includes $50 REFUNDABLE BOND upon return of board + ceramics to Say Cheese.

True product price: $360.00

GRAZE & GO: RECTANGLE BOARD  (56cm x 46cm)

Ideal for roughly 10 - 20 people to nibble on! 

6 x cheese portions (Brie with honeycomb, vintage Cheddar, cumin flavoured Gouda, Gorgonzola, Smoked Dutch, Hard Goats Cheese) 

4 x cured meats (Prosciutto, Mild Salumi, Hot Salumi, Fennel & Garlic Salumi) 

3 x dips (Hummus, Pesto, Capsicum)

Seasonal fruit


Quince Paste 

Dried Apricots & Nuts 

Wafer crackers + Fruit & nut crackers 

Supplied on the side: 

Crackers + Fresh bread  

The Fine Print: 

The purchase of this product includes a $50 refundable bond upon the return of our board + ceramics to our HQ (Spread, 82 Bennett's Rd, Camp Hill) within 5 working days of your event. If items are misplaced or broken, customer will be liable for covering the replacement of the item.  
We are available to collect the board from you for a fee of $30.00 - $50.00 (location pending, in this case, no bond returned). Please feel free to communicate your decision / what you would like to do via email / delivery notes on the checkout page / or upon delivery/collection of the graze & go product.   


Need this delivered by a specific time? Feel free to contact us directly to arrange this request (email - or call 0447 980 705). Or, simply select your delivery date & delivery time window at the 'cart' page. You're welcome to make requests in the 'delivery notes' and we will do our best to accomodate.

Special dietary requirements? Add these in the 'delivery notes' on the 'cart' page and we will do our best to accomodate, or email us to
Sending this as a gift? Don't forget to add your personalised gift message on the cart page.

Please note, orders for Saturday, Sunday and Monday are required by 4pm on Fridays.